With our simple returns process, you can shop online hassle-free.

If something does not work out, you can send most items back within 30 days of delivery.

  • Start the return process within 30 days of receiving your item.
  • We inspect all returned items. The product must be in new or unused condition, with all original product inserts and accessories.
  • Return Shipping costs will be the responsibility of the customer in cases of buyer’s remorse returns, such as an item did not fit, did not like the color/quality, changed your mind, ordered by mistake, bought it somewhere else, etc.
  • We will refund the cost of the merchandise and shipping charges if the return is a result of our error or defective product.
  • Ship the product as soon as possible so it arrives at our facility within 45 days of receipt of the item.

There are a few items that cannot be returned:

  • Clearance items
  • Personalized items
  • Items you have already assembled
  • Items marked “non-Returnable” on the sale page
  • Open Box Items
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